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Things security officers may think of asking, but shouldn’t:
Do you have any sandwiches in your pocket?
This can be construed as inflammatory and invasive, and it is baffling to the hearer. It is easy to ask this question on your 13th hour on your feet, but you must refrain.
Are you carrying any weapons of mass destruction?
Again, this is a baffling question, and after many hours is tempting to ask as a shortcut. Refrain.
Weapons of mass destruction are much larger than the average pocket. And mothers typically point to their children, and say, “Yeah, right there.”
Would you like to dump your $6 cup of joe in the trash right here or walk a mile back to your car to put it there?This is construed as an unfriendly, snotty question, and could result in you wearing said expensive joe, or at the very least, having a very unhappy person in your face. With spittle.
Legitimate questions prompt interesting responses, as well:
Any knives, guns, or weapons of any sort on your person?
Various answers include:
- “What kind of person do you think I am!?”
- “Of course not! Look at me!”
- “No! I have children!”
- “No! I’m a woman!”
- “No! I’m a mom!”
- “I left them at home today.”
- “Yeah, I got your gun right here.”
- “I got these guns–” kisses each bicep and flexes.
- “Dang, honey,–” to husband –“better hand over your grenade.”
Video: Mel Robbins–How to stop screwing yourself over (TEDxSF)
Want to change your life?
Watch this video:
Remember: if you’re in your head, you’re behind enemy lines.
And remember the 5-second rule.
Free eBook on Healing Herbs
I’ve downloaded it myself–it really is free! MountainRoseblog FREE healing herbs book
(If you’re quick, you might be in time to get the free cookbook, too. :))
While you’re there, check out the rest of the site:
Sundance–vote for Una Hora Por Favor by Jill Soloway
There are a number of good films on the Sundance site; I’m asking that you vote for Una Hora Por Favor. The writer is the daughter of a friend, and her splendid piece is so far back in the listings that I think it’s not getting a fair shake. FYI, Jill Soloway was one of the writers for the show, Six Feet Under.
Check it out, then click on the link on the side that says, “Vote below for this film.”
Una Hora Por Favor
EDIT: The link above is broken. Go to the film’s Facebook page for current info.
Here’s an interview with the director about the making of the film.
Check out this cooking site:
These are StumbleFriends I’ve known for a few years, and their simple recipes are geared toward those who don’t want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen. (Got kids in college? Or who’ve just moved out and are living on top ramen, or showing up on your doorstep at dinner time? Send ’em here!)
I submitted a recipe for a quick chicken enchilada casserole dish, and they posted it! (It’s really yummy. Check it out.)
You can submit your easy recipes here.
Here’s a quick intro to who they are:
And here is an amazing Taco Soup recipe:
One Girl Riot promo video featuring Arturo Aguilar and Josh Furrer
My boys made this video for me.
The creators are here: IV Films