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“Your body. My Choice.”

That’s what my dad said to me when he pinched my nipples 47 years ago.

What he said as he pinched in passing, precisely, was, ‘This is my body.” Same-same.

I was minding my own business when this phrase erupted all over the net, trumpeted by ignorant boys who don’t realize they’re proudly revealing the muck of eons that have clogged the pipes. And yes, they are proud to say it, like, “Haha, you can’t do anything about being pregnant once I screw you.” What an odd thing to be proud of saying.

I got therapy, and I’m not over it, but I don’t dwell on it. I accept that it’s part of the fabric of my life.

But I do not like having that fabric snagged the way my dad caught at my nipples, and I’m past fed up with men who say dumb things.

You think the whole choice thing is only about abortion, and you think that focusing hard on legislating against it will right the moral ills that beset America. You think that the problem is that women just keep opening their legs up wide, and you never own that it’s men that teach young girls to do that. Emphasis on men, emphasis on girls.

Emphasis on men. My dad was 35.

Emphasis on girls. I was 13.

He did lots of other stuff, too, because he could. Because, as he said, it wasn’t my body.

I know, I know, you’re not saying the same thing my dad did. You’re saying it’s my body, but your choice. I’m sure he would agree that both phrases work. He’s dead, so I can’t ask him, so I have to just go by what he did and said to me. I think it extroplates cleanly, though.

Especially if you consider that my father wasn’t the first. No, he was not the first. No, that happened eight years previous to his pinching (only because he didn’t have access to me, I’m sure).

It was my stepfather who tried to make me suck his dick, but my mouth was too small so he just rubbed it all over my face.

Emphasis on men. Daddy Dave was 34.
Emphasis on girls. I was 5.

My body. Their choice.

The training does start early.

One in four girls is molested before she’s 18. According to your words, those girls really should just expect it.

So that statement that so many boys seem to be proud of saying–it’s not original, and it says a lot more than what you may think.

I hope to see more reactions like this:

Thanksgiving Solitude

What kind of person prefers to be alone on a family holiday?

My alarm went off at 6am because I forgot to turn it off last night so I could sleep in. I got up, disoriented and bleary-eyed, and was puttering around for 10 minutes before I realized I didn’t need to get ready for work.  I was still brain-fogged enough to crawl back under the covers and sleep some more, but the coffee was already brewing, so hell.  Might as well fix the turkey.

Yeah, I got a turkey. I like the smell of Thanksgiving even when I’m alone.

I’m alone today by choice.  I chose it over and over again this month.  I’ve been and still am ambivalent about it.  It’s a day off.  It’s just another Thursday in a year full of Thursdays.  But it’s also a time for community.  Friends and family.

So I cried a little when I was making the stuffing–all I could think was that it’s a weird person who chooses to be alone on a family holiday.  Then I wondered why I was feeling pathetic.  What preconceived notion do I have that makes me feel that something’s wrong with me for wanting to spend today by myself?  And why did I want this? What, I couldn’t choose Friday? The weekend? Will I regret this?

I don’t think so.

I love my sons. My friends. I could phone any of them and say, “I’m coming over, set a place for me,” and I would be warmly enveloped.  But I don’t want to.  I’m spending today thinking of all that’s good in my life, and I’m focusing on myself.

Things have gone awry lately–I’ve set goals that I’ve wandered away from due to daily distractions and I need to reground myself.  I don’t have any fires to put out, just for today. Today is the perfect day for it because everyone is focused on being with.  Family. Friends.  Lovers.

The normal thing, right?

So have I got a screw loose?  Yeah, probably. But I’m happy.  I know who loves me, they know I love them, and I’m enjoying the solitude.



A Visual Reminder Of US Social Stratification | zero hedge

A Visual Reminder Of US Social Stratification | zero hedge.

Great Decisions 2011 lecture series at UCR Palm Desert

Great Decisions 2011.

Photo: Cannon caught mid-fire

Click the picture to see other cannons on my firearms blog

Amazon’s considering giving free Kindles to Prime customers

The original article.

I am so there.
Thanks to the merciless Norman for the link.  Just when I think I’ve got Mt. TBR tamed, he shares his reading list.

regain your hymen–or, honey, get the alum!

the link works, but the image won't load. Sorry :(

The directions say to apply a few drops to the desired area 15 minutes prior to any activity for desired results and moisturization.

Yes, ladies, add these to your hoo-hoo before you do household chores so you don’t get that droopy feeling and find at the end of the day that, yes, the laundry’s done, but your vagina’s fallen out.

One customer wrote: “This made me so tight, but dry. Why would this be pleasurable for women? It was as painful as the first time. Don’t buy this.” RN – October 1, 2008

Side note:  if you go looking to re-instate your virginity, you should be prepared for some discomfort.
Should you discover that your vagina has indeed fallen out, guess what. You can send those vaginal muscles to the gym with its own set of weights.



And it comes with an instructional video!  I wonder if it gives step-by-step instructions.