Uncertainty and Inspiration

From Notes from the Universe:
At any point in one’s life, the greater the uncertainties they face, the greater their chances of hitting a major, life-changing “home run.”

I am learning how to embrace uncertainty, but I’ve had to approach this concept in baby steps. I tend to prefer the known, but not for a solid rational reason. I just feel like I have more control if I know what’s coming.

I am leaving everything I know to embark on a beautiful amazing life with the man I love this summer, and I am not doing well in the uncertainty department.  I haven’t changed residence since 1997, and I’ve lived in the same town since 1985.  I’m moving across the country to a fascinating city full of tons of things to do, I’ll be surrounded by his big, loving family, I’ll make new friends, and the only thing I can focus on is the fact that I don’t have a job yet.
This note from the Universe reminded me that I’m doing something enormous. So shut up and jump, sister. The water’s fine.

I’ve been feeling anxious, so I looked up ways to pull myself out of it, and I started here:  50 things you can control right now

And that leads me to the other part of today’s post:  Inspiration.

VIB: Very Inspiring Blogger

Yesterday, out of the blue in the most perfect way, I received a blogger award from fellow blogger, Mandy Eve-Barnett.
I’m going to pay it forward by introducing you to bloggers who inspire me.


The award requests the following rules are kept:

  • Display the award logo on your blog.
  • Link back to the person who nominated you.
  • State 7 things about yourself.
  • Nominate 15 bloggers for this award.
  • Notify those bloggers of the nomination by linking to one of their specific posts so that they get notified by ping back.

7 things about myself:

  1. I’ve been in a long-distance relationship for 9.5 years, and our relationship is stronger than most others I’ve seen.
  2. I’m marrying him this summer. 😀
  3. I’m a member of Romance Writers of America.
  4. I teach firearms classes.
  5. I’m genealogy geek and am working on several friends’ family trees in addition to my own.
  6. I’m a member of Bookcrossing.com and I’ve given away over 8,000 books since 2004.
  7. I’m a perfume pig. I love them all. Current fave: Angel. And Opium. And Jessica McClintock.  And… right. Never mind. lol

15 bloggers whose blogs I nominate for the Very Inspiring Blog Award:

  1. Amanda Fox :  The Fur Files
  2. Devin Berglund
  3. Sarah La Rosa:  Her Strange Angels
  4. The Squeaky Robot
  5. Life in the Boomer Lane
  6. Helen Klebesadel: A Muse and Her Artist
  7. Fred Allen’s Old Time Radio
  8. Marc and Angel
  9. The Connectome
  10. 1000 Awesome Things
  11. The First 10 Pages
  12. People Triggers
  13. The Soulful Contrarian
  14. Clotilda Jamcracker
  15. The Tovarysh Connection




8 Commentsto Uncertainty and Inspiration

  1. laurie says:

    awesome, stacy. I am over- the-edge proud of you. this post is inspiring. I had forgotten about you and perfume–I have samples galore–I need to pass on to you–love you much,


  2. the tovarysh connection says:

    Thank you so much for including me in this list of blogs. How wonderful that you are taking the chance and moving forward with changes in your life. I’ve always believed its the things you don’t do that you regret most. Best wishes to you. I know that much joy and adventure awaits you. Namaste.

  3. Debbie Cranford says:

    Thank you- it’s always hard for me to move forward into the unknown & I appreciate the encouragement.
    and CONGRATS! I haven’t been around much but I miss you & wonder from time to time how you’re doing-

    • Stacy says:

      Debbie! I’m thrilled to see you 🙂 I think I lost you when my FB account got hacked. I’ll try to find you on FB again and reconnect. I’m glad you found something to relate to in what I wrote.

  4. Very Inspiring Blogger Award | Devin Berglund says:

    […] Just a few days ago I was totally flattered and encouraged by a fellow blogger when she nominated me for the “Very Inspiring Blogger Award” by Stacy . […]

  5. Thank you so much for this nomination, Stacey! I’m both honored and touched. Many Blessings, sister 🙂

  6. Stacy says:

    Sarah, you’re welcome. I’m happy I found you at all, and for that you can thank ms. Tammy. 🙂

  7. Stacy says:

    Laurie! omg I forgot to answer your post. I’m always so happy to see your responses in here. I love you, and I will swoop in on you soon. *hug*

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