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Links for Writers

I’ve been poking around the web, looking to connect with other writers.  Here are some of the sites I’ve visited and liked: (the links will be organized; right now you don’t know what you’ll be taken to, but trust me (please)–this is like tiramisu.  Every bite is delicious.)

HighSpot Inc.’s Directory of book trade people on Twitter

HighSpot Inc.’s Directory of authors on Twitter


Practicing Writing

Twitter Tips for Writers + 25 Good Follows

Archetype and CritPartnerMatch found these via Kait  Nolan (she created CritPartnerMatch, btw)



Kim’s Craft Blog

The Rejecter

Off the Shelf: Writers on Writing

StoryTellers Unplugged

Romancing the Blog

Romance Divas

Best American Poetry

Poets Who Blog

Fiction Writers Review


Nathan Bransford–Literary Agent

Chip MacGregor-Literary Agent {features Q&A for writers, among other things}

Rachelle Gardner-Literary Agent {features advice for writers, etc.}


Thematic Premise Sheet {plotting help}

Character test #1

Character test #2

Character test #3

If you know of a writer’s blog, please comment here with a brief blurb about the site.  When I have time I’ll put all the links on their own page.