Janet Evanovich
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Posted by: OneGirlRiot | on May 23, 2009
Romance Authors’ Pseudonyms: Did you know…?
Many of today’s hottest romance and romantic suspense authors wrote for Harlequin, Silhouette, Kismet, Candlelight, Gallen, McFadden, and Loveswept, among others. However, they didn’t all use the names they’re currently writing under.
NOTE: Many of the links are to used books; they will likely expire because these are collectible. Many of the links are to searches in Bookfinder.com. If no books are listed, it’s because they’re just that hard to find. My apologies in advance for this.
You may already know that Sandra Brown wrote under the names Erin St. Clair and Rachel Ryan, but did you know she also wrote under the name Laura Jordan?
Two titles I know of were written for the Gallen line:
- The Silken Web, and
- Hidden Fires.
Another, Roses at Dawn, was written for Kensington.
I’m still looking to see if she wrote under than name for anyone else 🙂
Diana Palmer also has had several pseudonyms, and she wrote several romances for the McFadden line of books, which is currently difficult to find (and sometimes expensive.)
Her other names:
- Diana Blayne
- Kate Curry
- Susan Kyle
If you’re a fan of the Dark Shadows series by Marilyn Ross, you might be interested in knowing that author’s pseudonyms (and guess what, it’s a guy). Marilyn Ross is W.E. Daniel Ross:
- Leslie Ames
- Marilyn Carter
- Ann Gilmer
- Miriam Leslie
- Diana Randall
- Ellen Randolph
- Clarissa Ross
- Dan Ross
- Jane Rossiter
- Rose Williams
If you follow Elizabeth Lowell, you probably know she has also written under the name Ann Maxwell, as well as A.E. Maxwell. But did you know she wrote under the name Annalise Sun? 🙂
Other pseudonyms you may be interested in:
- Kay Hooper = Kay Robbins Taken by Storm
- Lindsay McKenna=Eileen Nauman, Beth Brooks
- Joan Hohl=Amii Lorin, Paula Roberts
- Rachel Lindsay=Rozella Lake, Roumelia Lane, Janey Scott
- Jayne Ann Krentz=Jayne Talor, Jayne Bentley, Jayne Castle, Amanda Glass, Amanda Quick, Stephanie James
- Barbara Delinsky = Billie Douglass, Bonnie Drake Lover from the Sea
- Marion Chesney=Jennie Tremaine, Ann Fairfax, Helen Crampton, Marion Chesney Gibbons, M.C. Beaton
- Janet Evanovich=Steffie Hall
- Madeline Baker = Amanda Ashley Night’s Master
- Elaine Barbieri = Elaine Rome Stark Lightning
- Susan Barrie = Jane Beaufort, Rose Burghley The Garden of Don Jose #928
, Anita Charles, Pamela Kent, Barbara Rowan, Mary Whistler
- Beverly Barton = Beverly Beaver Close Enough To Kill
- Meg Cabot = Meggin Cabot, Patricia Cabot, Jenny Carroll Safe House
- Candace Camp = Lisa Gregory, Kristin James Sapphire Sky
, Sharon Stephens
- Isobel Chace = Elizabeth Deguise, Elizabeth Hunter
- Marion Chesney = Jennie Tremaine, Ann Fairfax,, Helen Crampton, Marion Chesney Gibbons, M.C. Beaton
- Maureen Child = Ann Carberry, Kathleen Kane Wish upon a Cowboy
- Daphne Clair = Laurey Bright, Clarissa Garland, Claire Lorel Miss Miranda’s Marriage
- Donna Clayton = Donna Fasano Where’s Stanley? (Harlequin Next)
- Virginia Coffman = Kay Cameron, Virginia C. Deuvaul, Jeanne Duval The Lady Serena
, Diana Sanders , Ann Stanfield
- Janelle Denison = Danielle Kelly Family Man (Stolen Moments)
- Ann Major = Margaret Major Cleaves Wild Lady
- Patricia Matthews = Patty Brisco, Laura Wylie The Night Visitor
- Patricia Maxwell = Jennifer Blake, Maxine Patrick, Patricia Ponder, Elizabeth Trehearne
- Carla Neggers = Amalia James, Anne Harrell
- Sara Orwig = Daisy Logan Southern Pleasures (Second Chance at Love)
- Susan Elizabeth Phillips = Justine Cole The Copeland Bride
- Rosamunde Pilcher = Jane Fraser A Day Like Spring (Harlequin Romance, No.1232)
- Fayrene Preston = Jaelyn Conlee
- Janet Louise Roberts = Louisa Bronte, Rebecca Danton, Janette Radcliffe
- Sharon Sala = Dinah McCall
- Meryl Sawyer = Meryl Nickels
- Candace Schuler = Candace Spencer, Jeanette Darwin
- Valerie Sherwood = Jeanne Hines, Rosamond Royal
- Lass Small = Cally Hughes
- Rebecca Stratton = Lucy Gillen
- Elise Title = Alison Tyler
- Jane Toombs = Jane Anderson, Ellen Jamison, Diana Stuart, Olivia Sumner
- Linda Turner = Linda Raye
- Anne Weale = Andrea Blake
- Sheryl Woods = Suzanne Sherrill, Alexandra Kirk
- Rosalind Laker = Barbara Paul The Seventeenth Stair by Barbara Paul
- Charlotte Lamb = Laura Hardy Burning Memories
, Sheila Holland, Sheila Lancaster, Victoria Woolf
- Elsie Lee = Elsie Cromwell, Jane Gordon Mistress of Mount Fair
- Rachel Lindsay = Rozella Lake, Roumelia Lane Harbour of Deceit (A Harlequin Romance, 1920)
, Janey Scott, Roberta Leigh
- Norah Lofts = Juliet Astley Copsi Castle
- Charlotte Macleod = Alisa Craig A Pint of Murder
- Ann Major = Margaret Major Cleaves Wild Lady
These authors may have other pseudonyms I haven’t found yet–if you know of any, feel free to leave a comment. 🙂
REMINDER: Many of the links are to used books; they will likely expire because these are collectible. Again, I apologize for this.
Of course, there are tons of other authors I haven’t mentioned. If you’re interested in one that isn’t here, email me your question and I’ll check my references.
Posted in Authors | 4 Comments »
Tags: Amii Lorin, Ann Maxwell, Barbara Delinsky, Daisy Logan, Daphne Clair, diana blayne, Diana Palmer, Elizabeth Lowell, Erin St. Clair, Jane Fraser, Janelle Denison, Janet Evanovich, Jayne Ann Krentz, Jayne Bentley, Jayne Castle, Jennifer Blake, Joan Hohl, kate curry, Kay Hooper, Kay Robbins, Kristin James, Lindsay McKenna, M.C. Beaton, Marilyn Ross, Marion Chesney, Maurine Child, Maxine Patrick, mcFadden, Meg Cabot, pseudonyms, Rachel Lindsay, Rachel Ryan, romance, romance authors, Rosamund Pilcher, sandra brown, Sara Orwig, Susan Elizabeth Phillips, Valerie Sherwood